Rumba is one of the most celebrated and the sexiest ballroom dances in the world. It is a slow and sensuous dance with a lot of flirtations between partners at every move. Many of the basic dance figure of Rumba has a “tease and run” theme because the lady first flirts then rejects the man with an apparent sexual aggression. Rumba emphasises on a woman’s rhythmic body movements and flirtatious hip movements which result into steamy tease and run scenes of intense passion.
Rumba is regarded as the “grandfather of Latin dance” of which was actually a generic term for Latin America music or dancing. The “Cuban Rumba” that became the famously recognised version of the dance was introduced by Pierre and his dance partner Lavelle in 1955. Today, Rumba is considered as the spirit and soul of Latin music and dance.
Rumba in Action ( The Routines)
The most essential step in Rumba is the Cuban Motion or the distinctive hip movements. These characterised movements and sways are the result of the bending and straightening of the knees. The intensity and edge of the Rumba dance steps are further increased by a sharp eye contact maintained between the dance partners. In addition, the stillness of the upper body adds drama to the whole dance which is emphasised and carried by strong, sensuous leg and foot movements.
Music and Rhythm
Rumba music has a 4/4 time. Each measurement has 4 beats and it takes 8 beats to make one basic full step. The tempo is usually 104 to 108 beats per minute. In Rumba, steps are taken on beats 2, 3 and 4 which is accompanied by knee straightening, weight transfers and turning while beat 1 is actually a hip movement. The step timing is usually quick, quick slow; quick, quick, slow.
Meanwhile, a Rumba rhythm today is not only influenced by African or Latin style of music, Country Western, Rock, Blues and other popular types of music have also found their way to the Rumba dance floor.
Private Dance Lessons For Both Young and Adults
Because Rumba is a very popular dance, there are many dance schools that offer rumba dance classes. In fact, one of the most popular dance studios in Australia today is highly regarded by teaching dance techniques in both simple and fun ways, Quick Steps has also included Rumba in their list of dance courses.
So if you are ready to know more about Rumba, hit the dance floor and dance like you have always wanted with Quick Steps. Call 08 8121 3399 or visit
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